July 31 and August 1, 2021
The Dude Ranch Pet Resort
11015 Dude Ranch Road
Glen Allen, Va 23059
Overview of Show Weekend Schedule
Friday , July 30
Meet and Greet:
We will be meeting from 6:30 -9:00 pm for pizza, salad and drinks in two adjoining rooms at the Hilton. Please let Mary O’Day know if you will be attending and the number of people in your party so we know how much to order as well as your phone number so she can text you the room location as we won’t know that until we check in on Friday. Please email Mary at marymarthaoday@gmail.com or text her at 4126380750.
Saturday, July 31
Show 1: Prompt start at 9:30 am for all companion class dogs followed by certified class dogs, BOB and BISS, ending with Rising Stars.
11:00 am Pup Party: please join us for a pup party for all dogs present whether or not you are showing. We will have fun and games for you and your pup led by Marge Feiner.
Lunch will take place after the Pup Party and before the Show.
Please email or text Mary and let her know if you will be attending lunch and how many people will be in your party so we make sure to order enough food. Please email Mary at marymarthaoday@gmail.com or text her at 4126380750.
Evaluations require advanced scheduling with Helen Conticchio. Please email Helen at dogpack@suddenlink.net to arrange for an evaluation.
Show 2: Following lunch, starting with Rising Stars, followed by companion class dogs, certified class dogs, BOB and BISS.
Please join us for dinner Saturday evening at Shula’s in the Hilton. We will be ordering off the menu. Please email or text Mary and let her know if you will be attending and how many people are in your party. You may contact her via email at marymarthaoday@gmail.com or text at 4126380750. If you would like to see the menu for Shula’s let Mary know.
Sunday, August 1
Show 3 will start promptly at 9:00 am for companion class dogs, followed by certified class dogs, Rising Stars, BOB and BISS.
Nearby Hotels that accept Dogs
The Hilton Richmond Hotel & Spa
12042 West Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23233
Hotel rate $119. $50 pet fee
Book early, use any discount access you may have available for a better rate.
The Candlewood Suites
4120 Leonard Drive
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Hotel Rate $109 $35 pet fee
Show Results
Saturday, July 31, 2021 Show 1
Judge: DiAnn Fiory
BISS/BOB: CH BelleLuz Kings Bay’s Hunter Springs
Owner Owner: Janet Mulligan
BOS: CH Tyburn Woods BellaLuz Miss AdoraBelle
Owner: Owner: Marjorie Feiner
AOM : CH Elmico Hula Dancer
Owners: Owners: Mary & Lyle Cisney
AOM : CH BellaLuz Wearing Armani
Owners: Owners: Pat & Tom DeLanzo
BOW/WD: Luxury Flupsie @ Silk Romance
Owner: Owner: Lilian Capetti
WB: Joyful Heart’s Look Here Missy!
Owner: Owner: Susan Gunter
Comp BOB/WB: BellaLuz Sadie
Owner: Owner: Raea Rothen
Saturday, July 31.2021 Show 2
Judge: Rachel Sager
BISS: DGCH Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms G
Owner: Owner: Mary O’Day
BOB: CH BelleLuz Kings Bay’s Hunter Springs
Owner Owner: Janet Mulligan
BOS: JrCH Zigfield’s Talk of the Town Toula
Owner: Owner: Susan Ferguson
AOM: CH Tyburn Woods BellaLuz Miss AdoraBelle
Owner: Owner: Marjorie Feiner
AOM: CH Elmico Hula Dancer
Owners: Owner: Lyle & Mary Cisney
BOW/WB: JrCH Zigfield’s Talk of the Town Toula
Owner: Owner: Susan Ferguson
WD: Silk Romance Stunning Seven Bridges
Owner: Owner: Liliian Capetti
Comp BOB/WB: BellaLuz Sadie
Owner: Owner: Raea Rothen
Sunday, August 1, 2021 Show 3
Judge: Edmund L. Blausten
BISS: GCH Precioso Elfin Beanie Baby
Owner: Owner: Susan Ferguson
BOB: CH BelleLuz Kings Bay’s Hunter Springs
Owner Owner: Janet Mulligan
BOS: CH Elmico Hula Dancer
Owners: Owners: Mary & Lyle Cisney
AOM: CH Tyburn Woods BellaLuz Miss AdoraBelle
Owner: Owner: Marjorie Feiner
AOM: CH BellaLuz Wearing Armani
Owners: Owners: Pat & Tom DeLanzo
BOW/WD: Luxury Flupsie @ Silk Romance
Owner: Owner: Lilian Capetti
WB: JrCH Zigfield’s Talk of the Town Toula
Owner: Owner: Susan Ferguson