What makes HSDAA a great club? Why YOU do! We are the Parent Club for the greatest breed of dog on the planet, with members across the United States and several other countries. HSDAA is made up entirely of volunteers and is always in need of participation by our members. Working for HSDAA is especially rewarding because our efforts are both appreciated by our wonderful membership and we know that we are working for a great cause…the promotion and protection of the Havana Silk Dog. These dogs give us such joy and love that it’s really rewarding to be able to give back to them.
We have talented and intelligent membership…a diverse peoples with many skills that can help make HSDAA run efficiently and smoothly. From administrative tasks, to public relations, to helping our shows run smoothly, the opportunities for volunteering are many and diverse. Please consider donating your time and skills to your club. We will soon be publishing those volunteer duties that will require your help.