Havana Daydreaming Results 2011

Saturday February 19, 2011
Judge Ferd Reinlieb 

BOB:   CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia
Owners: Helen & Frank Conticchio


BOS: CH Rubylu’s Babalu           

Owners: Eugene A & Kathleen A Klug


AOM:  Sedoso A Little Less Conversation          
Owner: Greg Steinig


AOM:  Jr CH Elfin Little Bo Peep         
Owner: Anita Yeager

Best Rising Star: Sebastian Langer

Comp BOB:   Starborn Alex’s Jake
Owners: Alex & Tom Buob

Saturday February 20, 2011
Judge Sally Moore

BOB: CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia
Owners: Helen & Frank Conticchio

BOS:  Jr CH Elfin Black Pearl           
Owner: Joanne V Baldwin DVM

AOM:  CH Rubylu’s Babalu          

Owners: Eugene A & Kathleen A Klug

AOM:   Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms. G         
Owner: Mary O’Day

Best Rising Star: Sebastian Langer

Comp BOB: Comp CH Colonial Coast Zachary
Owners: Deborah & Dave Ezzell

Tarheel Classic Results 2011

Saturday March 12, 2011
Judge Connie Howard 

BOB: CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia
Owners: Helen & Frank Conticchio


BOS: SS Twinkle Little Star

Owners: Pam & Tom King


AOM: JrCH Elfin Little Bo Peep         
Owner: Anita Yeager


AOM:  JrCH Black Birch Tempered Passion At Revolution
Owner: Dionne Franklin


AOM: CH Feliz Beyond Appearances
Owner: Kathy Schlenz

Best Rising Star: Cory Carille

Comp BOB: Circo Simply Irresistible Zoe
Owner: Deb Robison


Comp BOS:   Starborn Alex’s Jake
Owners: Alex & Tom Buob


Comp AOM:  Elfin Easy Rider
Owner: Ray Simon


Comp AOM:  Circo Americas Cup TRS Ruby Tuesday
Owner: Elizabeth O’Meara

Sunday March 13, 2011
Judge Nancy Adams

BOB: Jr CH Black Birch Tempered Passion At Revolution
Owner: Dionne Franklin


BOS:   CH Bydand U Bet Your Life At Concordia
Owners: Helen & Frank Conticchio


AOM:   CH Circo Talk Is Cheap
Owners: Kim & John Sherburne


AOM:  Jr CH Elmico Dancing Lolita Sarita
Owners:Dina & Steve Liner


AOM:  ERAS Love Child At River Ridge
Owner: Kathy Schlenz

Best Rising Star: Cory Carille

Comp BOB: Circo Simply Irresistible Zoe
Owner: Deb Robison

Blue Ridge Silk Lovers’ Classic 2011

Saturday June 25, 2011
Judge Rachal Sager

BOB: CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia
Owners: Helen and Frank Conticchio

BOS: Feliz Bob B Sox At Happy Acres
Owners: Shirley and Daniel Petko

AOM: Jr CHSelah Old World Elegance
Owners: Lisa and Krystina Hockin

AOM: Sir Walter Raleigh Of The Seven Seas
Owners: Mary and Robert Watt

AOM: CH Bydand U Bet Your Life At Concordia
Owners: Helen and Frank Conticchio

AOM: Jr CH Black Birch Tempered Passion At Revolution
Owner: Dionne Franklin

BEST RISING STAR: Elizabeth Tuckson

Comp BOB: Jimka’s Music By Request
Owner: Katherine Rodgers

Comp BOS: CH Selah Princess Samantha Joy
Owners: James and Maishelle King

Comp AOM:Elfin Easy As Pie

Owners: Mary and Bill Clarke

Sunday June 26, 2011
Judge Judy Franklin

BOB: CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia 
Owners: Helen and Frank Conticchio

BOS: JrCH Black Birch Tempered Passion At Revolution
Owner: Dionne Franklin

AOM: Bonneterre Saltwater Taffy
Owners: Joan and Gregory Conover

AOM: Elmico’s Dancing Lolita Sarita
Owners: Dina and Steve Liner

AOM: Ludico River Party At Dade 
Owners: Debbie and Dave Ezzell

AOM: Sir Walter Raleigh Of The Seven Seas
Owners: Mary and Robert Watt


Comp BOB: Jimka’s Music By Request
Owner: Katherine Rodgers

Comp BOS: Elfin Easy As Pie
Owners: Mary and Bill Clarke

Comp AOM: Cameronhill Louis Vuitton
Owners: Allison and Maishelle King

Comp AOM: CH Selah Princess Samantha Joy

Owner: Maishelle King

Deland Florida One Day Show July 2011

Sunday July 10, 2011
Judge Michelle Morris

BOB: Oye Chico Yagruma
Owner: Fernando Ferre

BOS: CH Bydand Academy Award
Owners: Bill and Diane Klumb

AOM: Bydand Dragonheart By Lejerdell
Owners: Bill and Diane Klumb

AOM: Sedoso A Little Less Conversation
Owner: Greg Steinig

Best Puppy: Bydand Fly Me To The Moon
Owners: Bill and Diane Klumb

Comp BOB: Nor-Ann’s Mountain Girl Zoe
Owners: Cathy and Larry Dillahunty 

SOCAL Classic, Temecula CA

Callaway Vineyard and Winery

 September 2011

Saturday, 17 September 2011
Judge John Ramirez

BOB: Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms. G.
Owner: Mary O’Day

BOS: Feliz Sir Tedy
Owners: Paul and Stephanie DeSimone

Best Puppy: Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms. G.
Owner: Mary O’Day

Companion BOB:  Ludico Party All The Time
Owner: Diane Tomasevich

Best Rising Star: Allie DeSimone

Sunday, 18 September 2011
Judge Marsha Hall Brown

BOB: Caribbean Dreambeat of Kailani
Owners: Tom and Barb Theisen

BOS: Selah Breath of Heaven 
Owners: Lisa and Amanda Hockin

Best Puppy: Selah Breath of Heaven
Owners: Lisa and Amanda Hockin

Companion BOB:  Ludico Party All The Time
Owner: Diane Tomasevich

Best Rising Star: Allie DeSimone

2011 HSDAA National Specialty
Virginia Beach, VA

October 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011 Regional

Judge  Sharyn Hutchins


BOB: CH Feliz Beyond Appearances
Owner:        Kathleen Schlenz

BOS: CH Elfin Ring Around The Rosy
Owner:        Joanne V Baldwin DVM

AOM:  CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia 
Owners:        Helen and Frank Conticchio

AOM:  Hurricane Ridge’s Lorenzo Tesoro Mio
Owner:        Agnes Szilagyi

AOM:  By The Bay A Little Beach Music
Owner:        Ann Carille

Comp  BOB:  Comp CH Jimka’s Music By Reques
Owner:        Katharine Rodgers

Comp BOS:  Elfin Dancing The Dream
Owners:        Joanne V Baldwin DVM & Nancy Simpson

Comp AOM:  Comp CH Colonial Coast Zachary
Owners:        Deborah and David Ezzell

Comp AOM:  Comp CH ERAS Shared Dream
Owners:        Suzanne and Bob LaCosse

Best Rising Star:  Cory Carille

Saturday-Sunday, October 29-30, 2011 National Specialty Winners

Judge Al Bianchi


BOB:  CH Bydand U Bet Your Life At Concordia 
Owners:        Helen and Frank Conticchio

BOS: JrCH Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms G
Owner:        Mary O’Day

AOM:  CH Bydand In The Mood At Concordia   
Owners:        Helen and Frank Conticchio

AOM:  CH Feliz Beyond Appearances
Owner:        Kathleen Schlenz

AOM:  CH Elfin Ring Around The Rosy
Owner:        Joanne V Baldwin DVM

Best Puppy:  Hurricane Ridge’s Tyburn Woods Ms G
Owner:        Mary O’Day

Comp BOB:  Comp CH Jimka’s Music By Request
Owner:        Katharine Rodgers

Comp BOS:  Comp CH ERAS Christmas Through Your Eyes
Owners:        Suzanne and Bob LaCosse

Comp AOM:  Comp CH Colonial Coast Zachary
Owner:        Deborah and David Ezzell

Comp AOM:  By The Bay Zydeco
Owner:        Sandra Griffel

Comp Best Puppy:  Elfin Easy Rider
Owner:        Raymond Simon

Best Rising Star:  Elizabeth Tuckson

Stud Dog:  CH Bydand In The Mood at Concordia  
Owners:        Helen and Frank Conticchio

Brood Bitch:  CH Elfin Ring Around the Rosy.
Owner:        Joanne V Baldwin DVM